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Trump picks another fight

He went after Andrew Cuomo again this morning:

Trump taking anyone to task for complaining when he does more whining than any five-year-old I’ve ever met is really rich. And he doesn’t complain about anything except how unfaaaaair everyone is toward him personally. Over and over and over again.

And saying that someone else should get off TV when he has strong-armed all the public health experts and other task force members off the stage so he can hold his unhinged coronavirus rallies every day is beyond chutzpah. The amount of useful information in those TV events is nil.

He must have seen Cuomo’s approval ratings in the high 80s while his are back dow to the tepid lower 40s thes’ve been his entire term. Cuomo’s press conferences are much better received as well.

Cuomo is a New Yorker and he has theatrical flair just as Trump does. But he is also able to speak in coherent sentences, show empathy and convey useful information in a way that people expect of political leadership in a crisis.

Today he also decided to push back:

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