Now, we don’t know the circumstances of how Mr. McDaniel contracted the virus, nor do we know if he took unnecessary and foolish risks. But we do know what he thought of the measures put in place to keep him and the rest of the public as safe as possible. And we all know people who have similar opinions to those that McDaniel expressed on social media. If there’s any good to come from his death, let it be that people take those measures more seriously. They’re there for a reason.
I don’t want anyone to die of this thing. Not even people like this who are brainwashed by right-wing dogma and Donald Trump and can’ t see the forest for the trees. But while these people may have a “right” to risk their lives over this, they really don’t have a right to spread it to others simply to make a political point.
I guess they are all martyrs to their cause. But it’s a very stupid cause …