Morgan is a fellow celebrity blowhard who has been fully supportive of all of Trump’s insanity—
Morgan was particularly critical of the president’s performance at near-daily White House briefings, which he said he has watched “with mounting horror.”
“He’s turning these briefings into a self-aggrandizing, self-justifying, overly defensive, politically partisan, almost like a rally to him — almost like what’s more important is winning the election in November,” Morgan said.
Then he addressed the president directly:
“You will win the election in November if you get this right. If you stop making it about yourself and make it about the American people and show that you care about them over yourself, you will win. And, conversely, you will lose the election in November if you continue to make it about yourself, you continue playing silly politics, continue targeting Democrat governors because that suits you for your electoral purposes.”
Uhm, Piers? This cretinous behavior is what you’ve been applauding for the past three years. He’s always been like this and he can’t change.
Morgan has been a stalwart pal through thick and thin. His unusual clarity in this situation must sting. But when he’s right, he’s right…