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Insane Trump quote of the week

It wasn’t up there with telling doctors he wanted them to investigate the possibility of injecting bleach to clean the lungs, but it was really something.

When asked about whether he should have worn a mask when meeting with the 90+ year olds who were at the ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe in WWII , this is what Trump said:

“I would have loved to have gone up and hugged them because they are great. I had a conversation with every one, but we were very far away. You saw. Plus the wind was blowing so hard in such a direction that if the plague ever reached them, I’d be very surprised.

It could have reached me, too. You didn’t worry about me, you only worried about them

and that’s OK because I think they’re so pure, it will never happen. Alright? They’ve lived a great life. 

But no, the wind was howling. And I didn’t see anybody with masks, I don’t know, maybe there were. But they were great.”

He actually whined that the press worried about the 90 year old veterans he potentially exposed rather than him.

And then he engaged in the most daft magical thinking anyone’s ever seen, saying these elderly veterans are too “pure” to get the disease. And anyway, they’ve lived a great life (or maybe they can’t get the virus because they’ve lived a great life?) Whatever the case, the fact that no one at the ceremony wore masks on the day we found out that the virus is spreading through the White House like wildfire … well, that’s why we are going to end up having the worst response to the virus on the planet.

This is crazy talk. And I think his brain will explode if he gets it. He clearly believes that he’s immune because he’s … him. It’s nuts.

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