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Will Trump’s FoxNews brain-rotted seniors go for this?

Polls are showing a significant erosion in support from seniors over Trump’s response to the pandemic, so it’s hard to know whether they are going to like this assault on Biden for being old. Normally, older people tend to support younger candidates because they are aware of having lost some energy as they got older and the presidency is a very stressful job. But the attacks on Biden may just be a bridge too far. They are gross.

Trump was the oldest man in history to assume the presidency. But he seems to think that because he wears more make-up than Tammy Faye Baker and dyes his hair strawberry blond that it makes him young.

But going after Biden for being old when he’s clearly addled himself is really something. It would take hours to show all the times Trump has been doddering, delusional, and dumb. Here’s just one of the weird incidents.

Trump attacking his opponent’s intellectual competence is tried and true. They managed to turn Hillary Clinton into a brain-damaged zombie. The question is whether the press will run with it with the same gleeful gusto they showed in 2016. The jury is still out on that but I have a feeling if we weren’t in the middle of a once in a century global crisis, they’d be following Trump down that rabbit hole all over again. There’s been very little self-reflection on what happened four years ago.

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