Per the COVID-10 project at Johns Hopkins:
COVID-19 ALERT LEVELS Resolve to Save Lives released a color-coded COVID-19 alert system to signify the risk of transmission in communities and recommend appropriate levels of individual precautions. Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the US CDC, likened this system to wildfire risk level signs on hiking trails or ocean hazard flags on beaches; it is up to individuals reading these signs to understand the risk level around them and act accordingly.
This system includes four levels ranging from “new normal” to “high alert,” with corresponding measures that communities and individuals can take at each level to mitigate transmission risk. COVID Exit Strategy, a collaborative COVID-19 data visualization website, has incorporated live data into the Resolve to Save Lives system to make a state-by-state alert system, including metrics for 3 key areas: disease situation, healthcare systems, and disease control. Notably, every US state is evaluated as High Alert as of today, even as all states begin to ease social distancing measures.
There’s a lot at the link, but this is the new “alert system” they’ve come up with, backed by a whole bunch of details for public health experts to do. The following is about masks: