Today’s Judiciary Committee hearing is, as usual, being disrupted by GOP nutcases:
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, real information was elicited, largely due to bumbling by Jim Jordan:
I’d imagine Gene Krupa will be joined by the full Tommy Dorsey big band to try to drown him out if that happens. This is where we are: these Republicans are all acting like four year olds in honor of their Dear Leader who acts like an 8 year old.
Earlier today, two Trump toadies on the DC Circuit delivered a blow to Judge Emmett Sullivan who is refusing to do a simple sign-off on that Michael Flynn case dismissal saying he is required to do Bill Barr’s bidding regardless of how corrupt it all is. It remains to be seen if Sullivan will request the case be heard by the full panel which might reverse the opinion. But apparently, GOP judges will even undermine their own branch to service Dear Leader. I wonder how that will play out once he’s out of office?