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Who doesn’t have the strength and stamina now?

 President Donald Trump walks down the stairs after arriving at the Palm Beach International Airport to spend part of the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in February

The whole campaign is going to be based upon the idea that Joe Biden is senile. It’s tried and true. Remember this?

From the looks of Matt Drudges home page, Hillary Clinton is so sick, she needs help getting up a flight of stairs.

But looks can be deceiving. The Drudge Report, one of the most widely read sites on the web, is misleading visitors by taking a six-month-old photo out of context.

Clinton slipped on some stairs while campaigning in South Carolina ahead of the February 27 primary — that much is true. A couple of men helped her up the stairs.

Photos of the awkward entrance were published right afterward by two wire services, Reuters and Getty.

hillary clinton stairs

The photos were forgotten — until Saturday. What happened then, when a cadre of pro-Trump Twitter accounts started reposting the pictures as evidence that Clinton has a hard time walking, shows how easily photos can be distorted to take on a new and more sinister meaning.

In conspiratorial corners of the conservative media, doubts about Clinton’s health and stamina have persisted ever since she had a health scare in 2012. Some armchair commentators even predicted Clinton wouldn’t be able to run for president in 2016.

They were clearly wrong, and the health concerns are largely considered a fringe issue. Her personal physician said one year ago that she was physically fit to serve as president.

But given all the past chatter about her physical condition, the message from the pro-Trump accounts was clear: Clinton can barely walk.

A right-wing blog called The American Mirror picked up on the tweets and published a short story on Sunday. “SHOCK PHOTO: Multiple staffers help unstable Hillary up stairs,” the headline said.

The story asked, “At what point is the mainstream media going to question Clinton’s health status?”

It is 100% fair to ding Trump for his obvious lack of balance as he tries to walk down stairs and drink water holding the bottle with two hands. I get it. I’m not as physically confident as I once was and I’m quite a bit younger than Trump. But Trump thinks the best way to win is to say his opponents are frail and sickly and can’t handle the rigors of the presidency.

Please. He’s barely coherent and well … look at that footage. He deserves to be tortured over it.

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