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Implicit Media Bias

This was a caption at the Washington Post today: “Trump backers hope anger at John Roberts will boost campaign.” And as I read it, I realized that I’d never seen a headline — and never will see a headline — that reads anything like “Biden backers hope anger at John Roberts will boost campaign.” And yet, you can bet that I’m not the only liberal/progressive out there who is throughly disgusted by Roberts’ voting record (with rare exceptions) as well as Gorsuch’s, Thomas’s, Alito’s, and Kavanaugh’s.

Why is that? Partly because Democrats don’t usually make a big deal about the Supreme Court during campaigns. But there’s more to it.

For some reason, major media outlets find it not newsworthy to report liberal/progressive dismay at the state this country is in unless people take to the streets. And even then, our concerns are under-reported unless crowds are immense — and even then, not always (I remember millions marching around the world against the Iraq War and that Sunday, not a single mention on the talk shows).

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