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Texas in play

PsBattle: Trump Wearing Cowboy Hat : photoshopbattles

Trump has screwed up the pandemic response so badly that he’s even got problems in Texas now:

The Dallas Morning News released its latest poll of the Lone Star State, and it was the first public survey this year to show Biden with a decisive advantage over Trump there.

Biden had the support of 46 percent of the state’s registered voters, according to the poll, compared with 41 percent for Trump. Other recent surveys have consistently pointed to a close race in Texas, but this was the first to give Biden a lead that exceeded the margin of error.

Texas has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1976. But Democrats see an opportunity to turn that around, driven by the state’s growing Hispanic population and the increasing frustration with Trump among many independent voters, particularly as the pandemic continues to ravage the country.

Texans may not like the libs very much, but this is so stupid and crazy even they are balking at letting this weirdo run the country anymore:

Even the most scientifically illiterate person knows this is ridiculous.

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