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I’m in the White House and you’re not

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Making America Great Again

Basically, that’s what he said to those suburban women in his interview with Laura Ingraham:

“Let’s say for the sake of argument you have a deficit among female voters who may be in some cases, you’re too aggressive, your tone or your tweets,” she said. “What do you say to them directly about what you’ll do in a second term?”

Trump did not give the response that she seemingly wanted. “Okay. I have to be aggressive, because I’m like standing here in a sea of incompetent people, stupid people, and violent people — very violent people,” he said.

“But that’s the kind of language, stupid people, a lot of women don’t like that,” she said.

“Well, where are we? We’re in the White House I see,” he said. “See? Okay.”

In other words, “I’ll say what I want and those bitches will do as they’re told, see? Okay?”

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