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Pricking the delusional bubble

The Cult is with Dear Leader, mostly because of Fox News:

The president continues to have a strong grip on Republican voters, something he has cultivated since his inauguration. A Suffolk University-USA Today poll found that only 30 percent of Americans think the country is on the right track — but 60 percent of Republicans do. The numbers were even better among those who say that Fox News is their most trusted source of news and commentary; 7 in 10 think the country is headed in the right direction. Three-quarters of Fox fans also said the economy is in recovery, compared with about two-thirds of Republicans and a third of Americans overall.

That enthusiasm, though, goes only so far: Suffolk has Biden leading by seven points.

Joe Biden has some news ads out in the battlegrounds, designed to speak directly to seniors who might have a niggling feeling in the back of their minds that maybe Fox and Trump aren’t on the level, mostly because they probably know that old people are basically being used as human sacrifices for Trump’s re-election:


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