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The Snow Job

In case you think Trump was more honest, intelligent and articulate in the past, you might want to watch this interview with Dan Rather from 21 years ago.

At the 6:00 mark he makes a derogatory remark about John McCain, proving that Trump really believes that POWs are losers. It’s not a political tactic. But this was out there in 2016. He called McCain a loser on the campaign trail. And more than 60 million Americans voted for him anyway. So unless something shifts dramatically, I’m not sure that he’ll lose any voters over the latest revelations that he has the historical knowledge of a second grader and thinks that soldiers are suckers and losers.

But if you’ve got a few minutes, watch the whole interview. He has always been a monumentally pompous ignoramus and con artist. The only thing different is that he now wears orange make-up and dyes his hair canary yellow.

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