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No Panic

President “Calm the waters” Trump:

President Donald Trump’s campaign solicited donations Saturday with a fear-mongering text warning of impending violent attacks by anti-fascist activists under a Joe Biden presidency: “ANTIFA ALERT: They’ll attack your homes if Joe’s elected. Pres Trump needs you to become a Diamond Club Member. Your name is MISSING. Donate.” There is no existing evidence to support the claim that anti-fascists are planning violence should the former vice president win the election. “Antifa,” a loose term for Leftist activists whose best-known activity is physically disrupting right-wing rallies, have been a favorite target of the president during speeches despite the fact that American intelligence agencies consider right-wing white supremacists to be a far greater domestic terrorist threat.


President Donald Trump on Saturday told supporters in Nevada that Democrats are “trying to rig this election.” Speaking at a rally in Minden, the president insisted, without citing evidence, that a nefarious campaign is underway to send out 80 million “unsolicited” ballots to random people who are not eligible to vote. But moments later, Trump bizarrely appeared to tie his “rigged” claim to the criticism he faced following reports he disparaged America’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers.”

Noting that he’d seen an ad launched by former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign that featured his reported quotes mocking slain soldiers, Trump declared that he would now become “vicious.” “Now I can be really vicious … and we’ll start by saying … that the Democrats are trying to rig this election. The only way they’re going to win is to rig it,” he said, adding, “We can’t let that happen. I hope you’re all going to be poll watchers.” He made a similar claim a month ago about election rigging being the only way he could lose. “We’re gonna win four more years in the White House, and then we’ll negotiate, because based on the way we were treated, we’re probably entitled to another four years after that,” he said.

And tens of millions of Americans will enthusiastically vote for this loon.

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