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A frozen race

New polling:

After a month of political conventions, fresh controversies, more protests and additional deaths from the coronavirus, the 2020 presidential race remains where’s it’s been for months — with Joe Biden leading President Trump nationally by nearly double digits, and with a majority of voters opposing the president.

Those are the results of a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, which finds Biden ahead by 8 points among registered voters, 51 percent to 43 percent, with more than 50 percent of voters disapproving of Trump’s job performance and with Trump holding the advantage on the economy and Biden holding the edge on the coronavirus.

What’s more, the poll shows that close to 90 percent of voters have firmly made up their minds, and that seven-in-10 believe the upcoming debates aren’t that important in deciding their vote.

I still find it hard to believe that after everything Trump still has his base firmly behind him. It’s absolutely true that he could shoot someone on on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. He’s responsible for the preventable deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and he hasn’t lost a single supporter. His hold on these people is just supernatural.

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