In case you missed this on CNN over the weekend it’s quite revealing. They ask Trump voters what they read on Facebook and confront them with Trump’s lies and a fake video. They are impervious to reality although if you watch the look on the face of the fellow below as he realizes he’s been duped, you can see the dissonance disturbing him — for about 30 seconds. Then he recovers and chalks it all up to a good laugh and says nothing would change his mind anyway.
Note the whiny little beer baby who snivels that people call him stupid and “throw rocks” at him. They’re very sensitive. That’s why they cheer and squeal when Donald Trump says Biden is senile and on drugs.
I did note that many of these older people with obvious co-morbidities and no masks were piling on to buses to travel back to wherever they came from. I hope they kept the windows open.