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F.B.I. Says Michigan Militia Plotted to Kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer - The  New York Times

Apparently, Trump really, really wants one of his followers to cause harm to Gretchen Whitmer:

President Donald Trump continued his attacks on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday, calling the Democratic lawmaker a “dictator” as authorities announced charges against a 14th suspect in the thwarted plot to kidnap her and violently overthrow the government.

“Michigan, she has to open up. [Whitmer] wants to be a dictator in Michigan and the people can’t stand her,” Trump said Thursday in a FOX Business interview. Blasting Whitmer’s COVID-19 policies, he insisted people “want to get back to work.”

This is what incited those terrorists to plot against her in the first place. Trump sent out the order to “Liberate Michigan” and “Liberate Virginia.” Whether these violent extremists took that as an order or whether it just gave them reassurance that their plans were sanctioned by the president I don’t know. But they knew they were on the same wavelength.

And, by the way, these particular terrorists may be in jail but there are whole lot more where that came from. And they aren’t going away if Trump is elected.

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