Everyone knows that Trump has been “downplaying” the pandemic. He admitted it on tape. He has defied all the guidelines and encouraged others to do it too, for months and months.
So when he got it … guess what?
Catching coronavirus has been disastrous for President Trump’s re-election hopes, with support for the president plummeting since news of the infection broke, allowing Democratic nominee Joe Biden to open a commanding double-digit lead, a new Franklin Pierce University-Boston Herald poll shows.
The nationwide poll reveals that instead of a sympathy factor for Trump, there’s been a stunning drop in the Republican president’s poll numbers since he revealed his diagnosis last Friday.
In two days of polling before Trump got COVID, the president trailed Biden by just a 46-41% margin. In the three days of polling after the coronavirus diagnosis, Biden held a 55-34% lead. That means Biden’s lead grew by a whopping 16 points from pre-COVID to post-COVID.
Among all the 1,003 registered voters in the nationwide Franklin Pierce-Herald poll, Biden now holds a 51-37% lead over Trump less than a month before Election Day. Three percent support a third party candidate while 8% say they are still undecided.
This is the third 14 point or higher lead in the last few days.
I’m sure he”s turning that around with his doubling down on ignoring the virus and telling people that he’s refusing to negotiate for any economic relief unless they vote for him will turn that right around.