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Donny “Fine Print”

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Donald Trump scams like he lies, like he breathes.

In case you missed his “legal defense fund” grift, Reuters did not:

(Reuters) – As President Donald Trump seeks to discredit last week’s election with baseless claims of voter fraud, his team has bombarded his supporters with requests for money to help pay for legal challenges to the results: “The Left will try to STEAL this election!” reads one text.

But any small-dollar donations from Trump’s grassroots donors won’t be going to legal expenses at all, according to a Reuters review of the legal language in the solicitations.

A donor would have to give more than $8,000 before any money goes to the “recount account” established to finance election challenges, including recounts and lawsuits over alleged improprieties, the fundraising disclosures show.

It’s all in the fine print. Sixty percent of small donations will go to a Trump leadership PAC (set up Monday). Forty percent goes to the Republican National Committee (RNC). The recount defense fund is an afterthought unless donors give more than $8,000.

Even the leadership PAC could be a slush fund, Reuters suggests.

Leadership PACs such as Save America are often set up by prominent political figures to spend money on other candidates, while also paying for personal expenses, such as travel and hotel stays.

Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, suggests he has no real plans for running for president again.

Basically, Trump is broke. He is in debt to his bushy eyebrows and has no source of income sufficient to keep debt collectors at bay. Post-presidency books and speaking fees may not be enough to spare him. He faces a flurry of lawsuits including one from his niece Mary and perhaps criminal charges in New York state. His tax returns will see the sunlight in due course and confirm this.

Grifting is all he knows … and all he has left.

Seth Meyers took “A Closer Look” Thursday night:

(h/t Spocko)

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