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Death cultists in the ICU

This is just unbearable. They die in disbelief:

I have a night off from the hospital. As I’m on my couch with my dog I can’t help but think of the Covid patients the last few days. The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real. The ones who scream at you for a magic medicine and that Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA. All while gasping for breath on 100% Vapotherm. They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that “stuff” because they don’t have COViD because it’s not real.

Yes. This really happens. And I can’t stop thinking about it. These people really think this isn’t going to happen to them. And then they stop yelling at you when they get intubated. It’s like a fucking horror movie that never ends. There’s no credits that roll. You just go back and do it all over again.

Which is what I will do for the next three nights. But tonight. It’s me and Cliff and Oreo ice cream. And how ironic I have on my “home” Hoodie. The South Dakota I love seems far away right now.

Originally tweeted by Jodi Doering (@JodiDoering) on November 15, 2020.

Donald Trump and the Republican party are responsible for this. Their “political party” has brainwashed their people into believing the virus is a hoax and they cannot die from it. They believe that the PPE is unnecessary and masking and social distancing is an act of government oppression.

We will hit the quarter of a million death mark soon, a vast number of which were preventable. And it’s getting worse.

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