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They’re all in on it

This commentary by Jake Tapper is right but it assumes they ever wanted to control it. I think once they realized they could use Trump’s madness to maintain their own personal power, they happily signed on:

Does this guy want to control it? I don’t think so. I think he believes it may help them win the Georgia runoff. And then it will be something else. They’re happy to let him be the object of derision on the other side while they sit back and let the country implode. They are as amoral as he is.

This guy comes a little bit closer to being a normal leader, but still hedges. Trump can file legal challenges for the next four years and lose in every one of them. The idea that these cases must all “play out” is ridiculous. But I’ll give Cassidy credit for at least saying that “whoever loses” should let go of their grievances. I think we know who he’s talking about. But I don’t see much hope of that, at least not for a good long while:

I’m sorry, any lingering hope that the Republican establishment is going to ride to the rescue really needs to be tossed in the garbage. Cassidy obviously knows that Biden won. But he won’t say it outright. I suspect we will have a faction in the congress, in both houses, who will say that Biden is not their president and use it as an excuse to obstruct everything. Not that they need any excuse, but by using his one they will further undermine democracy. I think a whole lot of them have seen that democracy isn’t to their benefit.

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