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An ego too big to fail

On CNN this weekend Ana Cabrera asked former Trump executive Barbara Res how Trump has wiggled his way out of tax issues in the past.

“I don’t know that he has. Actually, he’s been stretching with this out with this so-called order for many, many years. And so who knows what’s going to happen with that. And I think he was stretching it out for a longer time also– you know, even more, because of his lawyers and his accountants.

He had big financial problems in the late 1980s and early ’90s. The way he got out of it was simply the bank thought he was too big to fail, and so they let him get away with things that a person who had a mortgage would never, ever do. The bank let him go ahead and keep a lot of his property and be the active developer on a very big project on the west side because they thought it would be worth more than him getting approvals on it than just selling it at a fire sale. He’s always been very lucky in his life.

We used to say among our crew that, you know, he had a deal with the devil. And even in that, he was lucky in that as they felt they needed to keep him afloat because, believe me, they did not want to. Those banks, oh, boy, they ran like rats from a sinking ship once this was over.”

He is a pain in the neck suing his way out of trouble, causing nothing but headaches, so they let him off the hook. It will be very interesting if they continue to do it. They might. Now he has a bunch of people who make death threats behind him.

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