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They are all Trump

The Republicans have now set a new precedent for electoral mischief. They now say that presidential elections are not settled until the electoral college votes more than a month after the election has passed. I suppose they might relent and acknowledge reality if the loser concedes or if the Democrat loses but we now know that they will back any attempted post-election attempts to overturn an election at least until the electoral college votes.

And frankly, there’s a fairly good possibility they will refuse to do it even then. After all, the congress has to certify so they may very well further insist that it isn’t done until January. And forever more it will be accepted as a matter of faith among GOP voters that Trump actually won and the Democrats stole it. These people will do nothing to disabuse them of that notion:

Congressional Republican leaders rejected a resolution that asserted that Joe Biden is president-elect, the latest effort by the Hill GOP to refuse to accept the election results even though it’s been clear for weeks that President Donald Trump lost.

The rejection came Tuesday in a private meeting after House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer offered a motion to affirm that it is preparing for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rules Committee Chairman Roy Blunt of Missouri voted with House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy in blocking the motion, effectively preventing the inaugural committee from publicly accepting that the upcoming inauguration will be for Biden. Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, the ranking Democrat on the Rules Committee, voted with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Hoyer voting in favor.

“The extent to which Republicans are refusing to accept the outcome of the election and recognize Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next President and Vice President is astounding,” Hoyer said in a statement. “Their continued deference to President Trump’s post-election temper tantrums threatens our democracy and undermines faith in our system of elections … Republicans are refusing even to allow (Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies) to say that President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will be inaugurated on January 20, even when there is no serious dispute over that fact.”

Blunt responded to criticism that Republicans would not approve Hoyer’s motion to recognize Biden as the President-elect. “It is not the job of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to get ahead of the electoral process and decide who we are inaugurating. The JCCIC is facing the challenge of planning safe Inaugural Ceremonies during a global pandemic. I would hope that, going forward, the members of the JCCIC would adhere to the committee’s long-standing tradition of bipartisan cooperation and focus on the task at hand,” Blunt said in a statement.

This marks the latest attempt by Democratic leadership to proceed with transitioning Biden to the White House, with Hill Republicans throwing hurdles in the process.

For weeks, Hill Republicans have denied Biden has won the presidency, multiple lawmakers telling reporters they will wait until the Electoral College formally votes on December 14.

In fact, many conservative House Republicans have argued next week will not mark the end of Trump’s desperate efforts to overturn the election results. Some, like Rep. Jim Jordan, are encouraging not to concede next Monday.

Please don’t tell me they are cowards who are terrified of Trump and the Proud Boys. I’m sure they are. But they are more afraid of losing power and turning themselves into RINOs by living in reality. (And by RINO, today’s definition means it’s one who has not fully pledged fealty to Donald Trump.)

Honestly, I don’t get the sense that these people are even slightly uncomfortable with this. Look at how they are clutching their pearls over Biden’s appointees being “extreme” and shrugging their shoulders over Trump’s clow-coup as if it’s just business as usual. They are trolls and traitors and they don’t have even the slightest guilt over what they are doing.

They are all Trump. Every last one of them.

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