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Rush wants out

Rush Limbaugh’s humble home in Palm Beach, Real America

Rush Limbaugh thinks it may be time for the wingnuts to secede. I think we’ve heard this before:

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): All right. Mr. Snerdley is asking if we’re ever going to be able to win. And he’s talking about elections. Votes. Are we ever gonna be able to win without taking back some of these cities? He’s talking about blue cities like New York, Philadelphia. I assume you mean Detroit? Do you include Milwaukee in this? Definitely, all right. What about Oakland, California? Too far gone. San Francisco? You think we can get San Francisco? Look, we won election after election after election without winning these cities or the states they’re in.

Actually, no. They have lost the last 7 of 8 popular votes. The one they won was when the country was in the middle of the Iraq war and the man who won it left office with a 28% approval rating. Back when there were racists in both parties and liberal in both parties — and the GOP wasn’t so far right they were falling off the edge of the world — it was possible for both parties to have an urban-rural coalition. That is no longer true. We are a different country. And these people simply cannot accept the truth.

Anyway, he continues:

 I actually think that we’re trending toward secession. I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York? Especially if you’re talking about votes.

…There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.

Are they sure they want this? It might not turn out the way they want it to:

I mean, if they don’t want the money that metro US generates and redistributes to rural America and elsewhere in red states, who are we to force it on them? They deserve their freedom.

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