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Adoring cult member just can’t let go

Cramer: “Well it seems to me that being elected by the Electoral College isa threshold where a title like that is probably most appropriate and it’s, I suppose you can say official, if there is such a thing as official President-Elect, or anything else-elect. And there’s an inauguration that will swear somebody in and that person will be the president of the United States, but whether you call it that or not, you know, there are legal challenges that are ongoing — not very many — probably not a remedy that would change the outcome bit so I don’t …

Again, I don’t know how a politician refers to another politician but it does look to me like the big race is really between the inaugural committee and the Justice Department at this point so we’ll see how the emails turn out.

WTF is he talking about??? Emails??? Shoot me now …

If I had to guess I’d guess that deluded Newsmax and OAN viewers think that the Justice Department is going to indict Hunter Biden over some emails which have been around for a while. And the Inaugural Committee? What is that about? They are just some party planners!

I guess he really, really loves his Dear Leader and he just can’t wrap his mind around the fact that he won’t be there after January 20th.

How many of these people are there?

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