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This. Is. Not. The. Democrats’. Fault.

Virtually all the reporting I’ve seen today (admittedly, very sporadic) has portrayed the hold up in the relief bill as being a function of “Washington” failing to do its job. This is not true. The Democrats passed a relief bill back in May. They were willing to negotiate, came down significantly in their dollar amount and ended up voting for a bill that was less than a third of what they thought was necessary just to get something into the hands of people who need it before the end of the year.

The Senate Republicans refused to even negotiate, leaving the White House and the House Dems to haggle for months until they finally found it in themselves to half-heartedly agree to a bill last week. And then Donald Trump came in at the last minute and threw sand in the gears because he’s mad at Mitch McConnell.

This is all the fault of the Republican Party and President Trump. Democrats have been trying to get help to people for months.

The media just can’t seem to break the habit of saying “congress” can’t get hings done and blaming both sides. It’s hurting the country because it misleads people into thinking that it doesn’t matter who they vote for.

It. does.

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