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It Ain’t Me, Babe! No, No, No, It Ain’t Me Babe!

Who, me?" The What, Who and How of Accountability | USCJ

It really is painful to read how Lindsay Graham, Kellyanne Conway, Chris Christie and the rest of the gang try like hell to deflect from their own culpability in enabling the January 6 Putsch. As if they didn’t egg Trump on, over and over again. One sickening example from Ms Alternative Facts herself :

Conway immediately called a close personal aide who she knew was with the president, and said she was adding her name to the chorus of people urging Trump to speak to his supporters. He needed to tell them to stand down and leave the Capitol, she told the aide.

Translated,: Don’t blame any of us! We did what we could.

Oh, don’t get me started….

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