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And so it begins

The Republicans have wasted no time in starting their patented pearl clutching about “civility. But this is really rich. These people don’t seem to understand that when they whine about Biden condemning white supremacists because it’s divisive and hurts all those very fine people who didn’t vote for him, they are owning white supremacy as their own.

We are 2 weeks from a guy wearing a Camp Auschwitz hoodie storming the Capitol, and even Trump’s DHS labeled white supremacists as our biggest domestic threat.

But by mentioning white supremacy Biden is “divisive” and attacking whites.
Welcome to the next 4 years of gaslighting.

If a guy spends 20 minutes saying we are good people, we need unity and then says, “but we can’t tolerate white supremacists” and your response is to be offended, then maybe the problem is with you.

Good summary of the bad faith media effort trying to persuade all whites that Biden's criticism of white supremacy is actually an attack on them. Via @pbump

For a democracy to function, its leaders need to be able to defend it from threats. But Biden can’t criticize white nationalists without Tucker Carlson declaring “PARTY IN POWER IS DEMONIZING HALF OF THE COUNTRY.”
@ThePlumLineGS gets at the reason why.

Originally tweeted by Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) on January 21, 2021.

That is exactly right. They are masters of this smarmy garment rending over alleged “incivility” and the fact that we just put up with four solid years of the most grotesque, insulting, fascistic behavior from their leader will be met with “why re you talking about Donald Trump? He’s not here anymore. Why are you treating your fellow Americans so disrespectfully?”

I knew this would happen. It’s how they roll. They are natural trolls. In fact, they pretty much invented the concept. But they are outdoing themselves by starting this just three weeks out from their followers storming the US Capitol and marauding through the halls screaming for blood. Chutzpah doesn’t begin to describe it.

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