The Thursday installment of Trump's #ImpeachmentTrial begins with a Baked Alaska clip
Rep. Diana DeGette is using quotes like this to try and establish that rioters were taking orders from Trump

"We were invited here! … We were invited by the president of the United States"
"Knock the crap out of 'em!" — Impeachment managers put together a video history of Trump inciting his supporters to commit acts of violence
Here's a video montage of Trump praising violence from his supporters
Trump's tweet blaming Gretchen Whitmer and defending right-wing extremists right after they stormed the Capitol building in Michigan is among the most diabolical he ever posted
Raskin details how Trump responded to a kidnapping plot targeting a frequent target of his abuse, Gretchen Whitmer, by continuing to attack her
"He could not bring himself to publicly oppose a kidnapping and potential assassination conspiracy plot against a sitting governor" — Raskin
"Is there any political leader in this room who believes that if he is ever allowed by the Senate get back into the Oval Office, Donald Trump would stop inciting violence to get his way? Would you bet the lives of more police officers on that?" — Raskin
Ted Lieu points out that Trump still hasn't conceded the reality that the election wasn't stolen from him.
"That is why National Guard troops in full body armor still patrol outside," he adds.
choose your fighter

this guy is a real charmer
i had forgotten that Trump retweeted a guy who said "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat"
Cicilline: "Never did any of us imagine that we or our colleagues would face mortal peril by a mob riled up by POTUS, the leader of the free world. But we did. All because Donald Trump could not accept election defeat. Trump chose himself above the people."
From the people who brought you Blue Lives Matter
"1776, bitch!!"
Castro: "Every foreign adversary considering attacking this building got to watch a dress rehearsal and they saw that this Capitol could be overtaken."
Raskin reminds senators that an impeachment trial *is not* a criminal trial — a distinction defenders of Trump frequently conflate
Neguse: "Senators, the evidence is clear … we humbly ask you to convict President Trump for the crime for which he is overwhelmingly guilty of, because if you don't, if we pretend this didn't happen, or worse, if we let it go unanswered, who's to say it won't happen again?"
Raskin is really dropping the ball here by citing Thomas Paine and not literature more up the jurors' alley, like Laura Ingraham chyrons or Hannity tweets
Raskin closes with this Thomas Paine quote: "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us: that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
Originally tweeted by Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) on February 11, 2021.