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To quiet part or not to quiet part

The Party of Trump is split on whether to drop all pretense and just admit it does not believe in democracy and wants to go full-on authoritarian on the European model, as Digby notes today at Salon.

As we saw Tuesday at the Supreme Court in reference to an Arizona law that disqualifies ballots cast out of precinct, Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked the Arizona GOP’s lawyer, “What’s the interest of the Arizona RNC here in keeping, say, the out-of-precinct ballot disqualification rules on the books?”

“Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats,” Carvin replied. “Politics is a zero-sum game.”

You have to commend him for joining Paul Weyrich and other Republicans in telling the truth about GOP vote suppression.

Many others in the party will out of habit still solemnly insist their primary concern is for election integrity or ballot security or restoring voters’ confidence in elections, confidence the GOP has spent decades systematically undermining with groundless charges of widespread, undetected voter fraud.

I still recall when remember when their comlaint was “uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff.

While a few will drop the integrity act, the rest will continue to play along. But we know how this game is played.

In this game, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If we haven’t uncovered aliens disguised as humans voting in our elections, that’s not proof it isn’t happening. What (they claim) it proves is we have failed in our duty to enact the kind of common-sense election security measures Real Americans™ demand to prevent aliens disguised as humans from voting in our elections.

And they’re just the guys to do it.

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