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One year ago today

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): We gotta be very real with the American people, I don’t like how we’re scaring people unnecessarily. And that is that unless you have an immune system that is compromised, and you are older, and you have other underlying health issues you’re not going to die 99% from this virus, correct? 

DOUG COLLINS: That is correct Sean, it’s good to be with you again. 

HANNITY: Alright so that’s the point, I mean they’re scaring the living hell out of people. And I see I seeing them again as like oh, okay, let’s bludgeon Trump with this new hoax

Hey, we’ve only lost 525,000 people so far! And they all died to make Trump look bad, especially the tens of thousands of people under the age of 65 who took one for the team.

That point of view came directly from the White House, I’m sure. recall:

And never forget:

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