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Patience, please

“Mmm, beer.” (Photo via Asheville Brewing Company)

No, not yet. Josh Holland’s tweet Friday night hit home.

From his local paper:

Three Ulster County restaurants announced they have had a staff member tested positive for Covid-19 this week.

Oriole 9, 17 Tinker Street, Woodstock, said today that an employee who last worked Saturday, March 13 had tested positive, and that it would sanitize the restaurant and have all other employees tested. Here’s the announcement:

Another Woodstock restaurant, Pearl Moon, located at 52 Mill Hill Road, announced yesterday that it would close March 17 and 18 after an employee tested positive for Covid-19. Here’s the announcement:

A third Ulster County restaurant had to close because of a positive case among the staff. Ask Covid long-haulers about inconvenience.

Order take-out. Eat outside if weather permits. It is just now getting to where afternoons are warm enough to meet friends we have not seen in person for a year for a (socially distanced) drink outdoors. But as desperate as we are for a taste of normal (or craft beer from a local tap), it is not worth the communal risk to eat indoors even if you yourself are full vaccinated. Don’t.

I told the masked man who handed me my pizza outside Friday night about Holland’s tweet minutes before. He is anxious to reopen for indoor dining (and a full menu), but not until they can do it safely.

Patience, please.

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