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Yes, it was an insurrection

I can see that the media is ready to move on. They are now obsessing over Biden failing to have a formal press conference and I’m sure they’ll be aghast if he turns up in a tan suit. But this event was beyond shocking and should not be allowed to just fade into our memories like it was just another protest. This was the most violent political event in my lifetime as this brief rundown of a few snapshots will remind you:

Does anyone believe that if these people had caught up with the members of congress or Mike Pence that they wouldn’t have hurt them? That this overwrought lunacy wouldn’t have led to even more grotesque, physical violence?

Or that it wasn’t Donald Trump’s words, minutes before, just down the street that incited them? These people were literally frothing at the mouth, drive to near insanity by the demagogue who got them all worked up, said he was going to lead them and then retreated to the safety of the White House to watch them attempt to kill his enemies. It’s something out of Shakespeare.

If we let this one pass and just carry on with politics as usual, it will be the biggest mistake we ever made. I’m hoping this latest request to delay from the Justice Department means that the government is not going to do that.

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