Calculate 2% of 350,00. Answer: 7,000.
That number — 7,000 — is the number of deaths every single day from COVID in India based on a rough but reasonably accurate world average COVID mortality rate of 2%.* The equivalent of two 9/11’s every day. And that is an underestimation.
Now, multiply 7,000 x 7. Answer: 49,000
That number — 49,000 — is the minimum estimated number of deaths every single week from COVID in India if the current rate continues. And again, that is an underestimation.
I did the calculations this morning and nearly collapsed from the horror. Then I thought of the mentally ill adults in Beverly Hills who accost children and fill their heads with the lie that COVID is a scam. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe the sheer stupidity, paranoia, and malevlolent entitlement such actions betray.
Please, please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. And please, please, don’t for even one second coddle those twisted, selfish people who refuse to do so out of some idiotic “principle.” Millions have already needlessly died. And don’t let those off the hook who are perfectly fine with millions dying provided they’re not required to wear a mask. It is simply nuts.
*Currently, India’s mortality rate is reported at slightly over half the world average. That is about to change for the worst given that India’s health system is on the verge of becoming completely overwhelmed.