Somebody is living in a dream world:
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday called himself “the father of the vaccine,” and declared that his administration had saved “tens of millions of lives” in its efforts to push for the quick development of COVID-19 shots.
“They’re very ungracious people,” Trump said of the Biden administration during a Fox Business interview on Thursday morning, bemoaning what he believed was undue credit attributed to his successor for the coronavirus vaccine’s development. “I did the vaccine.”
“If I weren’t president — the vaccine — you wouldn’t have a vaccine for five years, three to five years would be the minimum,” Trump continued. “I got it done in less than nine months. And that’s only because of me.”
The comments from an embittered former president striving to claim enduring relevance in the sector of public health which he spent months undermining come on the heels of President Joe Biden on Wednesday addressing a joint session of Congress, touting his administration’s successful vaccine rollout.
In remarks on Wednesday he said that his administration had surpassed its promise to provide 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in 100 days — “we will have provided over 220 million COVID shots in 100 days,” Biden said.
“When I was sworn in, less than 1% of seniors were fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” he added.
The comments did not sit well with the former president who said that everyone is now eager to get a vaccine “and that was all done by Trump.”
“And look, I guess in a certain way I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle,” he added.
The only thing he did was give the ok to do in the US what scientists all over the world were already doing and what any president would have done in the same situation. But he wants people to believe that he and Scott Atlas whipped them up in the White House kitchen after Hannity one night. I think we know it’s not true.
The country suffered through almost a full year of pandemic hell led by a clown who refused to properly deal with it because it interrupted his rallies and threatened his re-election campaign. He pushed snake oil cures promoted by Laura Ingraham and instructed scientists to investigate whether household disinfectant might be injected to “clean the lungs.” His own pandemic task force coordinator has said that pretty much everyone who died beyond the original 100,000 was preventable.
His relentless insistence that he get any credit when it was so blazingly obvious that everything changed the minute he vacated Washington is just delusional. He has a massive amount of blood on his hands.