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They don’t call it a death cult for nothing

82 percent of Democrats but only 43 percent of Republicans say that they’ve already been vaccinated. Among seniors, 90 percent of Democrats and 60 percent of Republicans say they’re vaccinated.

It’s not just tribal. It’s geographic as well (which also tracks to the tribal divide as well.) TPM took a look at that aspect:

Click here and scroll down to see an interactive version the map.

It shows doses per 100k residents. Precisely how this factors out in vaccinated people is a touch blurry since the great majority of vaccinations are two-shot course. States range from just over 50,000 to just over 100,000 doses per resident.

What jumps out first is how tightly the vaccination data maps to the country’s political geography. It’s not a perfect match. Generally Democratic Nevada is relatively low at ~73k doses per 100k and the Dakotas are better vaccinated than similarly Republican states. But by and large the line is pretty complete.

We shouldn’t assume this is all politicized vaccine resistance. Deep South states generally have poorer health in general than other parts of the country. So some of it is likely more tenuous public health infrastructure. But it seems clear that the driving factor is ideology and partisan identity.

They are now actively killing themselves. For Donald Trump. I will never understand it.

Update: Astonishing!


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