It looks like these wingnuts are going after Black, Hispanic and women personnel as well as LGBTQ members of the military. I don’t see how else you can interpret what this means:
On Saturday, Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and Texas GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw, both military veterans, teamed up to release a whistleblower form for military members to fill out if they spot any “woke” training efforts.
Last Sunday, Crenshaw took note that the new “woke” recruitment videos released by the U.S. Army had precipitated so much criticism that comments on the videos on YouTube were shut down. He fired, “I hope the message to military leadership is clear: We aren’t going to stand by as our military becomes another institution crippled by woke political correctness. No more critical race theory, no more identity politics, no more political witch hunts. We’ve had enough.”
In fact, they are simply going after the military for adapting to the modern world as it exists, not the antediluvian, throwback these phonies want to pretend it is.
And you have to love this: “no more political witch hunts.” Lol. He says this as he’s launching a political witch hunt! Are these people really this brain dead or do they think everyone else is?
It’s an inherently political institution, of course, but the military was the last institution in America on which Republicans and Democrats alike seemed to confer legitimacy and allow to run without a whole lot of cheap partisan interference. That seems to have come to an end. Untroubled by the pardoning of sociopathic war criminals and the treatment of the military brass as political operatives for Trump, Republicans are gravely concerned about intolerance for racism and sexism among the troops.
I guess it was inevitable that the right wingers would bring the culture war to the military. What could go wrong?
Oh, and speaking of military heroes, here’s one who seems to be saying something you might think some of these people would actually be concerned about, seeing as they’re all such great patriots and all:
That was at a big QAnon convention this weekend. You’ll notice the crowd was ecstatic at the thought of it.