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Predictions of genocide


TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Pundit after senator after professor after general: each one of them spewing race hate. Whiteness, white rage — dressed up as some new academic theory. We certainly have the tape. We’ll spare you, because you’ve seen it, it’s everywhere. The question is — and this is the question that we should meditating on day in and day out — is how do we get out of this vortex, this cycle, before it’s too late? How do we save this country before we become Rwanda?

If you are unfamiliar with the Rwandan genocide it was the Hutu Power Movement whoich proposed a “final solution” to the problem of the Tutsi’s and the moderate Hutus., resulting in close to 100,000 grizzly murders.

I think we all know which side America’s white power movement will be on if America turns into Rwanda, don’t you?

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