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A lying epidemic

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, 1984


[Alex] Berenson, who has appeared on Fox News primetime dozens of times and even filmed a special for Fox News’ streaming service, appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to respond. Prior to interviewing the spy novelist, Carlson took it upon himself to attack The Atlantic for having the temerity to fact-check Berenson’s dubious claims.

“It should not surprise you that The Atlantic magazine, one of the most craven and corrupted pieces of garbage in journalism, has a new cover story out this week—in fact, I believe today—attacking Alex Berenson, because he read from a different script, and that can’t be allowed!” Carlson exclaimed.

“He joins us on our set tonight to respond to this predictable, I don’t even know if it is annoying, it is so dumb, but assess this hit piece on you,” the Fox News star added.

Berenson, meanwhile, claimed that Thompson had “entirely missed the point” before once again trying to make the case that the vaccines “have not worked quite as well or quite as quickly as people had hoped in a place like Israel”—despite the fact that Israel has had roaring success with its vaccinations, resulting in a nearly wide open economy and plummeting COVID-19 cases.

“The story I’m telling is pretty coherent, and I really do encourage anybody who wants to know where I really stand on this to get the booklet and read it for yourself,” Berenson said at one point, hawking his online “Unreported Truths” books.

Tucker says he’s “only asking questions.”

He is lying of course.

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