Miller: Well, we know that president Biden is an inveterate liar, and it is preposterous to say that President Trump — who kept our troops from harm without any Taliban attacks against them from the moment that he began the peace negotiations in early 2020 — to blame him for the Biden debacle is outrageous and an offense to human reason.
President Trump had a peace plan and a peace process in place that was conditions-based, and the Taliban knew that if they crossed any red line, if our people were hurt on their watch, if they moved on our airbase, if they moved on our embassy, if they moved on any American asset, they would pay with their lives, and they knew this. And when Biden came in, he took the Trump peace plan — like Nancy Pelosi took Trump’s state of the union — and he ripped it to shreds. And he and the same team of people that brought up the disasters in Libya and Syria and Egypt, they brought us the disaster in Afghanistan, and they alone are responsible for the greatest strategic humiliation in our history.
Miller is adept at tickling the racist lizard brain but this is a subject he knows nothing about. Nonetheless, I’m sure the MAGA crowd is hearing exactly what it wants to hear.
He is lying outrageously, of course.
“President Trump had a peace plan and a peace process in place that was conditions-based, and the Taliban knew that if they crossed any red line, if our people were hurt on their watch, if they moved on our airbase, if they moved on our embassy, if they moved on any American asset, they would pay with their lives” — all lies. The deal was that the Taliban would not kill any Americans before they could withdraw and would not attack the homeland (which the Taliban have never done.) That was it. There was nothing about the airbase or the embassy or people being hurt “on their watch” at all. Nada.
The Taliban adhered to their end of the deal. It wasn’t hard since all they had to do was not kill Americans. (They killed hundreds if not thousands of Afghans ever since the so-called “peace deal.”) Nobody expected that the government would fall instantly or that they would take Kabul in such a short time, not even them. But they did and the withdrawal was a mad rush. But nothing in Trump’s deal with the Taliban would have prevented that. In fact, Trump’s abrupt drawdow to 2500 troops at the very end of his term made it much more likely, dumping the decision whether to re-escalate in Biden’s lap. If he wasn’t such a moron I’d think it was sabotage.
The only thing Biden changed was the exit date, buying some time to cobble together some kind of plan and possibly get a real peace deal, which proved impossible. All of this mess was preordained by Trump’s deal and the circumstances that followed. Miller is full of it. As usual.