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It’s the pandemic, stupid

Biden’s approval ratings have taken a beating over the past few weeks which is usually attributed to the Afghanistan withdrawal and the hysterical coverage that accompanies it. But it’s more likely that his drop is attributed to the Delta variant sweeping through the south this summer and the necessary reinstitution of masks and other mitigation efforts to contain it elsewhere. This comment from one pollster certainly indicates that is the issue:

“One thing that we’ve seen in our polling not just of the president — we also track approval ratings of all 50 governors — one thing that we’ve seen throughout this pandemic is that regardless of the policy decisions that are made, there’s a pretty strong correlation between the Covid picture and a governor’s approval rating, and therefore a president’s approval rating,” says Morning Consult senior editor Cameron Easley.

This tracks with the obvious fact that the reason the virus has spread as it has is because a third of the country refuses to get vaccinated, most of them right wing Trump voters who are listening to bullshit from right wing media and GOP leaders who have jumped on the bandwagon in the name of “freedom.”

The strategy is clear. Biden ran on being competent in a crisis and fixing big problems. He said he wanted to “restore the soul of America” and unify the country. Republicansw ant him to fail at all of that so they can regain power in order to … well, I’m not sure what anymore. They have the courts and massive tax cuts for the rich and that’s all they care about. So really, their only goal is to stop the Democrats from doing anything, anything at all.

Republicans don’t have the congressional majority so they’re limited. Luckily for them, there are Democrats who are willing to do their dirty work for them so that’s nice. But they also have their base which is working overtime to ensure that Biden is unable to contain the pandemic by refusing to get vaccinated and dying in droves. It’s quite the sacrifice. But it shows just how dedicated they all are to the cause. Owning the libs is everything.

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