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Cult, what cult?

Ok, I know my writing today feels like crazy wingnut day and you are probably sick of hearing about it. But I’ve decided to roll with it because, well, there’s just so much of it:

If you haven’t seen this yet, take the time.

They actually sell female pee funnels at the rally so the adoring women don’t have to leave the line to get in as they await the arrival of Dear Leader.


I realize these people are the fringiest of the Maga crowd. But there is a married couple in that video who represent the mainstream Trumpers. They don’t think Donald Trump is still the president or that Q is real. They are the ones who complain that Biden is dividing the country and that everyone should be able to get along. And in the same breath they say that Mike Pence should be afraid to show up at this rally but also insist that nobody would try to kill him. Of course not.

These are the regular Trump voters. They say these things because that’s what we were all taught and they know it.

But the shirt says it all:

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