Right. Nazis are very fine people.
By the way, I don’t think anyone is saying they can be arrested on federal charges for doing that so his point is stupid. It’s just an example of the kind of assholes that support Cruz and Trump and are harassing school board members all over the country. Nazis. Republicans.
You’d think Republicans would at last give some lip service to haw Nazism is a bad thing when they defend their voters’ right to be Nazis. But Cruz evidently thinks it’s just great. No problem whatsoever, it’s benign political commentary.
Just don’t kneel for the national anthem.
I think the GOP’s shenanigans are really just in-kind contributions to the Younkin campaign in Virginia where the GOP is pushing “schools in crisis” hard in the closing days. And they obviously see this as a big political winner going forward:
He’s not going to be president no matter how often he makes a spectacle of himself for Fox News viewers. He’s just not.