Get a load of this disinformation and propaganda on Fox News about vaccines.
Shannon Bream: Doctor, parents who have any doubts for them to hear this doctor vote and say “were never going to learn how safe it is until we start giving it,” that not going to reassure a lot of people.
Dr. Makary: Well, that’s exactly right and he’s correct. That’s why we’ve got to respect parents who are not comfortable with the risks of vaccines on their kids, there is a risk of death that does happen, kids do die after the vaccine.
Now, statistically more kids — kids are more likely to die of COVID than the vaccine. But we can’t brush under the rug some of these complications, some parents are not going to be comfortable with them.
There are no known cases of kids dying from vaccines. None. Zero. Zip. That doctor is lying.
Politifact addressed this lie earlier:
As of Sept. 30, 2021, 520 children died from COVID-19 based on reporting from 45 states, according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association. That’s a death rate of 0.01% per case.
And there is no CDC data showing a vaccine death rate higher than a COVID-19 death rate.
In vaccine trials, zero deaths were reported among the 1,131 adolescents age 12 to 15 who received the Pfizer vaccine, according to an April 2021 FDA document. Zero deaths also were reported among 2,489 people ages 12 to 17 who received the Moderna vaccine, according to an August 2021 medical journal article.
In July 2021, the CDC reported there were 14 deaths among 8.9 million people age 12 to 17 who received Pfizer vaccinations. None of the deaths were determined to be related to the vaccines, said Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, professor in pediatrics and epidemiology at the University of Florida.
They were not responding to this doctor but rather a lie that has been travelling through social media. It’s out there. And it’s going to result in some people endangering their own children because they refuse to get vaccines and their kids will get sick and possibly die.
They all worry about the “long term” effects of the vaccines but don’t seem to realize that the long term effects of virus are already manifesting in millions of people. The enemy here is the virus, not the vaccines. After three quarters of a million corpses, you would think people could see that. Of course, they are being fed a steady diet of propaganda so I guess it’s not surprising. But still, the real information is out there. When it comes to life and death — especially for their children — you would think people would seek it out.