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Both sides don’t do it


But maybe they should:

In the telling of key analysts, an activist slogan, briefly embraced by other activists (but no party leaders) lastingly, nationally defined Dems, but Republicans can go all in on the deeply unpopular insurrection and claw back suburban losses.

Maybe politics has much less to do with issue polling than with ambient conditions, fueling emotionally potent sentiments, not cowering in response to aggression, etc?

Originally tweeted by Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) on November 3, 2021.

Yeah. But from the looks it so far, the opposite lesson will be learned from this. 2022 is going to be a very, very hard lift. It’s not impossible. But if the mood of the country is that uppity women, racial minorities and hippies need to be put in their places — a very old story — the Democrats are going to have to figure out a way to remind people that the Republicans all worshipped at the feet of the disgusting freak Donald Trump and that’s even worse.

It’s not pretty, but that’s what negative partisanship is all about. Forget restoring the soul of the nation. We misplaced that long ago. Now it’s about trying to save us from authoritarianism, something which those suburban moms forgot about when they reverted to form in the face of lies about Critical Race Theory and defunding the police.

Where are the Democrats’ t-shirts?

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