Kindergartners from Hoosac Valley Elementary School shared their techniques for preparing a Thanksgiving turkey dinner. Here are a few. It’s like Turkey Mad Libs:
Robin Poirot’s class
Our turkey will probably weigh about 200 ounces. Dad and I would probably stuff our turkey with cheeseburgers with lettuce. I would put a little salt and pepper on top and then put it in the oven. Dad would cook it for 5 hours at 5 warm degrees. When it is done, we will take it out and cool it down and then cut it up and eat it with my whole family. Yum!
— Helena Nocher
I know my Grampa will probably hunt for it. You have to get those feathers off of it first before you eat it. You know that right? I LOVE turkey, especially the meat part. I will eat it all up! First we will put some stuffing and a little pizza sauce inside and cook it for about 20 seconds at 54 degrees. Hey! That’s weird. I just thought of something. I said 54 degrees and we have been in school for 54 days so far! That’s silly!
— Emma Grace Poirot
My Nana will buy the turkey at the Adams Hometown Market. They have good meat there. After she takes it out of the car and brings it in the house, she will stuff it with chicken. Then it’s time to put it in the oven. I would say it needs to be in there for about 33 hours at 100 degrees. When it beeps it will be ready. Don’t forget to eat it with the yummy red stuff! I kind of like the red stuff!
— Aria Larabee
When we buy our turkey it will be as big as a black bear. Before you cook it, you have to cut it up in little pieces and put it in a pan. Then I would take a spoon and fill it with ice cream and put it in to cook for 100 million degrees for 100 minutes. When it is done, I will eat it with lots of corn.
— Jacob Wendling Jr.
My mom and dad might go hunting in the woods for our turkey. When they get it, it will come up about this high (pointing to his chest). It will weigh about 50 pounds. Did you know that when you put it in the oven and cook it, it comes out without the head and feathers? I like the fat part best because it gives the meat flavor. It will be chewy if you cook it for about 4 minutes at 10 degrees.
— Weston Lic
My dad will hunt for our turkey in the woods. I’m sure he will get a really big one! After he gets it, we would get it ready by stuffing it with lots of mashed potatoes and french fries too! Just cook it for 10 minutes for about 2 degrees. If you pour some cauliflower soup all over the top it will taste delicious!
— Henry Poplaski
My dad will hunt for our turkey and bring it to my Gram. Then Mommy will take off all of the feathers and stuff the turkey with strawberry ice cream. She will cook it on top of the stove at “Medium hot” so the ice cream won’t melt. When it is done, we will eat it with cucumbers, mashed potatoes and corn. It will taste nice and sweet!
— Berkley Biros
Sarah Leidhold’s class
You gotta buy the turkey from the supermarket. First, you cut it a little. Then, put it in a pan. It should be in the oven for 16 and a half minutes. Turn it to 6 or 7 degrees. You should stuff it with lots of stuffing. Then eat it with toast and butter.
— Zachary R.
Get the turkey at the Dollar Store. Then you put it in your hand and trace it. You cook it for two minutes and it’s done.
— Joey M.
You can get a turkey in the classroom. Boil it and stuff it with skin. Just eat the turkey!
— L.T.
Get the turkey from the ground. You put the meat on the turkey and then it runs away. Get it hot in the oven, like 7 degrees. Keep the turkey inside for 20 hours. You need to stuff it with chicken. Eat it with lots of gravy.
— Oliviah S.
Okay go to the store, maybe Walmart, to get a big turkey. Bake it in the oven for 10 minutes with 2 degrees. You gotta stuff it with chicken. Get some chicken nuggets to put on the side.
— Sophia S.
Jillian Tietgen’s class
I love turkey. I go to the grocery store to get it because it’s so yummy. It’s so big it’s like giant. It is bigger than me. It almost touches the sky. We cook it in the oven I think. It’s so hot. We cook it for like a long time I think. We stuff it with cookies. We also eat grapes and maybe strawberries and cake. I like to make cookies and milk for santa and leave carrots because I think he likes carrots.
— Aria
We go to a farm to get the turkey. We also see other animals at the farm. It’s about as big as a chicken. We cook it in the oven on hot for 60 days. We put crackers on it and stuff it with candy. We eat waffles and blueberries and bananas and apples too. My favorite part is eating strawberries.
— Jaxon
We get it hunting and we are really quiet. We wear a jacket then we cook it. We cook it in a pot at hot for 5 minutes. We cut it with a knife and eat pumpkin pie. One thing i know is my friends are coming to my house for Thanksgiving.
— Tobey
We go to the store and pick it up and put it in the car. It is maybe like twice the size of my head. Maybe like cook it rare like it’s special. We cook it at 7 degrees for maybe like 1 hour or a half an hour. We put oil and stuff on it and stuff it with stuffing. We eat bread and stuff and dessert which is whip cream and vanilla ice cream and chocolate. My favorite part is watching the movies like cartoons. I like paw patrol.
— Austin
I get my turkey from the store and it is the size of a snake. I walk or drive to the store and take a cart. I cook it in the oven for 10 minutes on hot. I stuff it with candy. Yummy! I also eat stuffing and cranberry sauce and potatoes and a cup of water and that’s it. My favorite part is the cranberry sauce. I love to eat pie.
— Leo
We get our turkey from the farm. It’s the same size as a chicken. We cook it on the stove on hot for 60 minutes. We don’t stuff it because I don’t like stuff in my turkey. We also eat stuffing. My favorite part is eating with my family.
— Ella
At the store, medium I get a big one and medium one and a small one. I get all three but I don’t usually get them. So, I saw you cook turkey with fries and french fries. So, the temperature for a cooked turkey is 3 degrees. It goes on for 8 minutes. You stuff it with bones. I eat broccoli and more broccoli and some carrots but cooked carrots. Pie for desserts is my favorite kind of pie vanilla and chocolate and mint and broccoli kind and more broccoli.
— Gianna
We get the turkey from, I think, buy turkey from walmart and try to get the turkey stuff. For my ingredients I would get some bones in there and stuff from Target and I know what else, but you can get any toppings on there and you make it nice and sweet with pineapple. We get a huge turkey for all of my family, the size of my head. You cook it at 8 high and you cook it for 20 hours. You stuff it with anything you want. You can eat mac and cheese and stuff. For dessert, we eat ice cream and ice cream sandwiches and cookies.
— Aleigha
We go into the woods and get a turkey. We hunt for the turkey the size of a cheetah. We use the stove to cook it at 8,040 degrees for 10 hours. We stuff it with chicken and eat steak.
— Karsen
I would cook it like how my mom cooks a turkey. I go into the woods and get a turkey. Then, if I want something else I go into the woods and get something else to eat. You put the turkey in a pan at 4 degrees for 2 minutes. I take the juice out of the turkey. You put another piece of turkey. I also eat chicken legs with my turkey and ice cream. I put ice cream on top of my chicken leg.
— Sebastian
Sounds yummy …