Chris Wallace abruptly quit Fox News this weekend, announcing on the air that Sunday would be his last show. It’s not entirely shocking. There have been reports for months that the news division of Fox News (as opposed to the full-on propaganda arm) have been unhappy. Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg quit last month following Tucker Carlson’s January 6th “documentary” suggesting it was a false flag event. But Wallace is the big marquee name that gave them any claim at all to actual journalism and he’s gone, reportedly to CNN streaming.
Another long-timer signed off last week as well: Brian Williams. Whereas Wallace didn’t offer any opinion about the state of the world in his final message, Williams did. And it’s pretty good:
I always kind of liked him because he has a very quick , dry wit. But I’m sure he’ll end up doing something in the new mediums just as Wallace is apparently going to do. Meanwhile, I hope MSNBC puts Mehdi Hassan in that slot. He’s got a real feel for the zeitgeist.
And then there’s the sordid saga of Chris Cuomo being fired at CNN. I never watched his show because frankly, I couldn’t stand him. And one of the reasons I couldn’t stand him was his relationship with his brother on air, especially during the pandemic. It was unpleasant, to say the least. And it was a sign, even then, of the unethical behavior that made him use his position to help his brother with his sexual harassment scandal. He should have quit the network if he was going to act as his brother’s henchman. Completely unacceptable.
It’s quite an upheaval and probably for the best all around. I can’t say that I’ll miss any of these people but that’s just me.