Yes, it’s that time of year again where I’m asking for a little holiday cheer to keep the old Hullabaloo blog going. In these days of substacks and newsletters it seems almost quaint, but hey, sometimes the old ways are worth preserving!
I know you are now inundated with requests to support independent journalists and there are so many good ones out there that I know it’s hard to make choices about where to put your money. But I think there’s a case to be made that putting a few coins toward this little corner of the political analyst world is worth your while.
First of all, we write here seven days a week usually eight pieces a day, sometimes more when there is breaking news. (I haven’t missed a day of blogging since 2007, and I’m not kidding.) My morning man Tom Sullivan and I follow the news cycle, with Tom focusing somewhat on Democratic party politics while I follow the wingnut beat. Dennis Hartley writes about movies and music and occasional contributors Spocko does activism while tristero and batocchio follow their muses with the latter usually taking a long look at history. Mostly I try to synthesize various strands of the news in ways that give context and connection in order to make sense of what’s happening in this crazy political world in which we live.
And it is crazy. In fact, it’s downright frightening right now which those of you who pop over here frequently know we have been pounding away at for some time. (As much as I appreciate the recent mainstream media awareness of the threat that the right presents, they were a little bit slow on the uptake.) We are in uncharted territory and I am determined to keep writing and documenting these events as they unfold. There will be no “normalizing” at digby’s place. We know how precarious our democracy is and we will keep sounding the alarm.
So, if you still find some value in this format —- short takes, videos, long analytical pieces and more, every day of the week, I would really appreciate it if you could put a little something in the Christmas stocking to keep the lights on for another year.
You can hit one of the buttons below or use the snail mail address on the sidebar to the left.
Happy Hollandaise everyone!
Thank you!