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“See you January 6th!”

Note the date:

I can’t even with the “Fortunate Sion” being played at a Trump rally. But then, his other theme song is a gay pick-up song from the 70’s and “You can’t always get what you want” so I suppose it fits.

Just listen to this recitation:

Shocking, shocking stuff, even today. And that traitor is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2024.

Marcy Wheeler makes the case that Trump could be prosecuted. It’s persuasive to me. But the politics argue otherwise. The threat of right wing violence that hangs over everything makes any such decision fraught with peril and as much as they should do it, it’s a dicey proposition. I think they should take the chance. But I doubt they will.

At least this stuff is going on the record. Maybe somehow the normal people will rebel and make sure they don’t get away with it by being rewarded with power.

Happy Hollandaise everyone.

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