Vaccination status via new Monmouth poll:
96% already received
2% soon or see how it goes
2% likely will never get
54% already received
9% soon or see how it goes
30% likely will never get
Those Republican refusniks represent tens of millions of COVID spreaders. You need to know nothing more than that if you want to explain why we are among the worst in the world for COVID hospitalizations and death despite easy access to safe and effective vaccines. And all these reckless miscreants are offering themselves up as carriers to vulnerable populations and stressing the health care system to the breaking point. I would bet money that the same people also refuse to wear masks and social distance.
They are killing themselves. And it’s nothing more than a political strategy by the Republican party and its media allies to destroy Biden’s presidency. Sadly, it seems to be working:
A majority of Americans say they feel “worn out” by how Covid has impacted their daily lives, and nearly half feel “angry” about it. And the public’s exasperation may also be having an impact on how they view their political leaders’ handling of the pandemic, according to the latest Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll. Support for face mask and workplace vaccine mandates has also declined since the fall when the delta variant started to dominate.
Six in ten Americans feel worn out by pandemic-related changes they have had to make to their daily lives over the past 20 months. This includes 36% who feel worn out a lot and 24% who feel worn out a little. The poll also finds that nearly half of the public feels angry about how Covid has impacted their daily lives – 24% a lot and 21% a little. Republicans (64%) are no more likely than Democrats (63%) to say they feel at least a little worn out by pandemic-related changes to their lives, but they are much more likely to report feeling angry (63% and 34%, respectively)…
“The fact that Americans say they have had enough should be no surprise. Every time we try to adjust to a new normal, another variant pops up to put us on guard again. This perpetual unease is having an impact on how we view those charged with handling the pandemic,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
Of course it does. Biden is somehow supposed to get all these fools to get vaccinated and when he tried to impose mandates GOP politicians and judges have a fit and strike them down. And, needless to say, their protestations about “principles” are laughable. They certainly don’t feel the need to adhere to any other principles if it suits their ends.
The American public is now split on whether President Joe Biden has done a good job (46%) or bad job (46%) handling the pandemic. Prior to this poll, though, Biden’s ratings on the pandemic had consistently been in net positive territory including as recently as last month (53% good and 41% bad). Positive ratings for how Biden is handling the pandemic has dropped more among independents (from 50% in November to 38% now) than it has among either Republicans (from 16% to 10%) or Democrats (from 90% to 88%). Also noteworthy is that this decline has occurred mainly in states Biden won in 2020 (from 60% in these states last month saying he has done a good job to 47% now). Opinion of Biden’s performance in the states he lost is stable (from 44% good job in November to 45% in December).
It isn’t just Biden paying the price for these idiots. Democrats are paying a far higher price for it than Republicans in the states, as well:

Ratings for state governors have ticked down as well (to 50% good job and 41% bad job, compared with 60% good and 35% bad in November). In states Biden won, positive governor ratings have dropped from 61% to 49%. In states he lost, they dropped from 58% to 52%. Ratings for how federal health agencies have dealt with the pandemic (48% good job and 41% bad job) remain positive, but have also slipped (53% good and 38% bad in November). Opinion on how the American public is dealing with the pandemic remains largely negative at 27% good job and 56% bad job (35% and 55%, respectively, in November).
A majority of Americans are now against masks and mandates too.
By the way, health care workers and people manning vaccination clinics are being assaulted on top of everything else according to a doctor on CNN:
“It feels like you are drinking from a fire hose with no way to control that flow… Our workforce shortages are extreme, and I think it’s been extraordinarily hard on the workforce to go from being heroes to being questioned to being distrusted, you know to really feeling like they’;re under the gun but also sometimes being assaulted by patients.”
Another one said:
“Not only does the overwhelming work of caring for sick patients, and COVID patients are very sick, they are the sickest of the sick. But also to deal with a cultural movement which denies the basics around care and actively confronts us. We have arrested folks who have assaulted some of our vaccination clinics that are in the public, we have had physical altercations in the hospital by family members who want a different kind of treatment that what is accepted as standard best care. So indeed, it is not only about the demands of this work but also the political and social environment of patients and their families. It is heartbreaking.”
We still don’t know exactly what Omicron is going to bring us. The UK is instituting new mitigation strategies and streamlining their booster program. It may not ending up being a huge deal but right now hospitals are filling up again because these idiots are refusing to get vaxxed.
I’m not quite at the point at which I’m willing to say that maybe we should tell the unvaxxed they’re on their own but it’s tempting. There’s just no excuse at this point.
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